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Check load and outlet status of a APC PDU through snmp.

Check status of a Adaptec Universal Storage device by snmp.
RedHat RHES Cluster Check

Check the status of an RHES Cluster by snmp. This check is deprecated by check_rhcsnmp and check_clustat from monitoringplug.

Checks if a file can be fetched from a TFTP server. This check is deprecated by check_tftp from monitoringplug.
Infotrend Storage

Check a Infotrend Storage by SNMP.
Adaptec Universal Storage

Check status of a AUS device by snmp.

Check the status of a RHES Cluster installation by snmp. This check is deprecated by check_rhcsnmp and check_clustat from monitoringplug.

check_dnssec is a set of Nagios plugins to monitor DNSSEC services/zones. check_dnssec is based on ldns a lowlevel DNS(SEC) library. This checks are deprecated by check_dnssec_* from monitoringplug.

My collection of monitoring plugins for Nagios and similar monitoring systems. Contains a broad range of plugins for monitor thinks like: CUPS, libVirt, NFS/SUN-RPC, RedHat Cluster, DNSSEC, RedHat Satelite, SELinux, QNap Storage, tftp, SSL, Areca Raid, Ko ...