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Nagios CSP

Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform

Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.

Monitoring Made Magically Better

  • Nagios Core on Overdrive
  • Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
  • Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
  • Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
  • And So Much More!
My collection of monitoring plugins for Nagios and similar monitoring systems. Contains a broad range of plugins for monitor thinks like: CUPS, libVirt, NFS/SUN-RPC, RedHat Cluster, DNSSEC, RedHat Satelite, SELinux, QNap Storage, tftp, SSL, Areca Raid, Koji Builder, Buildbot Slave, Linux Bonding, Memory usage, SMB, MySQL, WebDAV, AKCP, mod_status, multipath, DHCP, IPMI, memcached, redis, PostgreSQL, Varnish and FastCGI
Contains notifications commands to send notifications by mil or SMS (either by GSM modem or aspsms proxy)
My collection of monitoring plugins for Nagios and similar monitoring systems. Contains a broad range of plugins for monitor thinks like: CUPS, libVirt, NFS/SUN-RPC, RedHat Cluster, DNSSEC, RedHat Satelite, SELinux, QNap Storage, tftp, SSL, Areca Raid, Koji Builder, Buildbot Slave, Linux Bonding, Memory usage, SMB, MySQL, WebDAV, AKCP, mod_status, multipath, DHCP, IPMI, memcached, redis, PostgreSQL, Varnish and FastCGI
Contains notifications commands to send notifications by mil or SMS (either by GSM modem or aspsms proxy)
Reviews (2)
I tried the QNAP monitoring plugins. Worked great.
Going to give the other ones a shot later. Love the RPM options, makes it easier to deploy. It would be nice to have a yum repo.
byahmedali, November 12, 2011
I'm asking about the installation instructions, I don't want to install all the plugins but some of the collection

Thanks in advance
Owner's reply

Just run ./configure and make and install the plugins yourself with cp.

ex: cp snmp/check_apc_pdu /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/