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Citrix License Server Check

7 votes
check_licenseserver.plperl script
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Citrix license server check by Andreas Roth.
checks if you have enough licenses free on your citrix licenseserver. Please check from your licenseserver.

please enter values for warning and errorlevel.

check_ctx_licensserver [-e percentage error] [-w percentage warning]
check_ctx_licensserver [-h | --help]

throw errow when less than X percentage of licenses are free

throw warning when less than X percentage of licenses are free
Reviews (6)
Same problem as reported by danslarge. Seems to be a problem with wmi/wbem, when trying to collect lic info.

Would be nice if working again.

Any ideas?
I've install ActivePerl and copied the script but getting this:

C:\Program Files\NSClient++\scripts>check_licenseserver.pl
no citrix licenses found. please check if Citrix License WMI Service is running
at C:\Program Files\NSClient++\scripts\check_licenseserver.pl line 56.

I've verified this service is started. Any ideas?
byrickmccl, September 10, 2014
I set it up as NRPE check on a windows server in my NagiosXI setup. I was able to modify the script so that performance graph of license usage is created.

0. requires nsclient++ with NRPE enabled and running on windows box
1. install activeperl on windows box
2. put check_licenseserver.pl in the nsclient "scripts" folder
3. add script to nsclient.ini
[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
check_licenseserver=c:\perl64\bin\perl.exe scripts\check_licenseserver.pl
4. test running check_licenseserver with 'nrpe test' on windows host, check_nrpe on linux host
5. use wizard to add NRPE check for 'check_licenseserver'
6. edit check_licenseserver.pl on the lines where it prints the output, insert:
| license=$license_used
before the \n (newline) in the print statement to add the performance data to the output.
7. performance data is noticed and processed by nagios and graph is generated.
bymacky, July 7, 2011
Use check_nrpe
Install perl on your citrix license server, then modify the nsc.ini and create a nagios service

works excellent!

To olaaxen: For details mail me: macky.messer@gmx.de
byolaaxen, June 14, 2011
Is there any chance that you can describe how i can set up this passive check?
How to initiate it from the Citrix server and where to put the pearl script and how to set up the passive check and also get a graph of the statistics in number of used licenses?
bymikedebike, October 4, 2010
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Set it up as an passive Check...Distributed on the Servers and created a windows task.
send_nsca is reporting to the nagios server...
fine tool! thanks alot.