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check windows updates 3

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Program build from the precedent check windows updates on nagios exchange by fooky and coxwal
The differences:

checking for the automatically checked updates from windows (high priority)

exemple to use into the nrpe.cfg or in nsca (but check for the standard of your running plugin, it could differ)
commandwindows_updates=c:windowssystem32cscript.exe -NoLogo -T:120 c:nrpe_ntpluginscheck_windows_updates.wsf /w:0 /c:1

the 2 function -w (for warning) and -c (for critical) are there for the high priority updates only. The drivers and software updates will not count toward these 2 function.
It still counts the driver and software updates.
Then it shows what are the critical updates.

Nice stuff. I change it because I needed a different view of my updates on nagios. Thx to fooky and coxwal, they did the hard stuff and I just change a little bit the code to fit my needs. Have fun with it now, since it is open source. I LUV OPEN SOURCE!

Thats how it looks:

Number of critical updates not installed: 1
Number of software updates not installed: 4
Critical updates name: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (KB110806)+

Link to fooky check windows updates: