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check_vmfs.sh - Check vmfs datastores through VMware VCLI

16 votes
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
check_vmfs_1.5.1.tar.gz1.5.1 Fixing awk multiple matching (Thanks to Martin Niedworok)
check_vmfs_1.4.tar.gz1.4: Fixed some mistakes in script when some parameter is missing
check_vmfs_1.5.tar.gz1.5: Working with Esxi 5.x
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check_vmfs.sh - Check vmfs datastores through VMware VCLI
Hello, guys!

This is a Nagios Plugin that monitorws the size (Kb, Mb, Gb) of the vmfs volumes (datastores) of a VMWare Server Esxi 4/5.1, using the Vmware VCLI (Linux version).

Warning and critical levels can be set, and plugin gives us perfdata output too, so it can be graphed with graphical tools as pnp4nagios, besides the usual Nagios states (OK, WARNING and CRITICAL).
Fixed error Server version unavailable at 'https://$IP/sdk/vimService.wsdl'
which was present in 5.x versions (not in 4.x versions which plugin was made for).
Reviews (11)
IS the check compatible with ESXi 6.0?
I am getting the following error
Error: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.
when the password is completely right , since I can use it with vmware-cmd through vCLI 6 on the same nagios host (which is a prerequisite to make this check work)
My .txt file is in format:
IP root password

and I have 9 servers defined in it, tried them all in the check, all get the same error
Owner's reply

As said in description, this scripts is JUST compatible with ESXi 4.x (old versions) and 5.x (last versions).
That's what I've got here to test and try it. I havent upgraded to Esxi 6.x yet, sorry.

bygqma0, November 29, 2016
check_vmfs doesn't reflect the results and I'm not sure where the problem lies

[root@monitoring1 admin]# grep -E -i ';check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1' /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log | perl -pe 's/CRITICAL/\e[1;31;43m$&\e[0m/g; s/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e'
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi01;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7456.31 Gb (91%)- free: 735.43 Gb (9%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi02;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7456.31 Gb (91%)- free: 735.43 Gb (9%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi03;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7822.53 Gb (95%)- free: 369.21 Gb (5%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi04;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7456.31 Gb (91%)- free: 735.43 Gb (9%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi05;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7456.31 Gb (91%)- free: 735.43 Gb (9%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi06;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC1;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7191.70 Gb (87%)- free: 1000.04 Gb (13%)

[root@monitoring1 admin]# grep -E -i ';check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2' /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log | perl -pe 's/CRITICAL/\e[1;31;43m$&\e[0m/g; s/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e'
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi01;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7567.78 Gb (92%)- free: 623.96 Gb (8%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi02;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7736.15 Gb (94%)- free: 455.59 Gb (6%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi03;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi04;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7736.22 Gb (94%)- free: 455.52 Gb (6%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi05;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7567.81 Gb (92%)- free: 623.93 Gb (8%)
[Tue Nov 29 00:00:00 2016] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-vspp-ESXi06;check_esxi_vmfs_prod-vspp-PvDC2;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%)

[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi01 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2
[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi02 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2
[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi03 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2
[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi04 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2
[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi05 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2
[root@monitoring1 admin]# ssh root@prod-vspp-esxi06 'df -h|grep -E "PvDC1|PvDC2"'
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.3T 735.4G 91% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC1
VMFS-5 8.0T 7.4T 623.9G 92% /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2

Also checked with v1.5

[root@monitoring1 admin]# check_vmfs_1.5/check_vmfs.sh -C /usr/local/nagios/libexec/vmware_esxi_conf.txt -S -V /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 -w 85 -c 95 -u Gb
CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2 - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%) | /vmfs/volumes/prod-vspp-PvDC2=7859.84Gb;6962.98;7782.16;;8191.75
bywhutest, February 21, 2016
Thank you!


Here is solution if you got the error:
CRITICAL - Server version unavailable at 'https://vmgsa:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl' at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/VICommon.pm line 545.
byTasslehoff, October 29, 2015
Hi, first of all thanks for this plugin.
I have a problem, I tried to use it with some ESXi servers 5.5, if I try to check the datastores it returns "Server version unavailable" error.

[root@drakaris check_vmfs_1.4]# ./check_vmfs.sh -C ./check_vmfs.conf -S vmgsa -V datastore1 -w 80 -c 90
CRITICAL - Server version unavailable at 'https://vmgsa:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl' at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/VICommon.pm line 545.
where check_vmfs.conf have a line with hostname, username and password for the vmware server (vmgsa in the example).

Do you think it's possibile to update the plugin for working with same on the latest vmware esxi versions?

Another question, this plugin needs virtualcenter or works also with the free version of esxi?


Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Owner's reply

Your first question about Server version unavailable was answered in next review. For Esxi 5.x versions it is necessary to export this variable:
Anyway I am going to upload 5 version which export this variable inside script.
And about second question this plugins doesnt need virtualcenter. Indeed I have no virtualcenter, I am working with free versino of Esxi.


I am really struggling to get this to work. I am getting the following error.

CRITICAL - /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_vmfs.sh: 161: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_vmfs.sh: --username: not found

Below are my configs...

define service{
use generic-service
host_name AIT-VM01
service_description Datastore1 Space
check_command check_vmfs.sh!vmware_esxi_conf.txt!!/vmfs/volumes/datastore1!80!90!Gb

define command{
command_name check_vmfs.sh
command_line $USER1$/check_vmfs.sh -C ./$ARG1$ -S $ARG1$ -V $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -u $ARG5$

I have got vmware_esxi_conf.txt in /usr/local/nagios/libexec. The contents of this file are below... root password

I have installed all the dependencies and cannot get this to work, any ideas?
The script works great via CLI but when I can't seem to view the output on the Nagios Web Interface. I tried the above method that you suggested but that doesn't work either. All I get is "Critical - " nothing else no total, used or free info.
It is working fine excellent Job.. Can you please Upload to Monitor the CPU and Memory of ESX
bytazinblack, May 7, 2013
How can I use this against a vCenter instead of using a host directly.

Could you write some more details please?
bymudricd, March 31, 2013
Great plugin!

I have just set up my nagios and finaly I have free overview of my esxi's datastores.

Thanks Javier
bykehindegb, December 10, 2012
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
This script is fantastic !!! does the job.
bysunnysthakur, January 26, 2012
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
I go through this tool and is very useful for verifying and monitor the VMFS usage on ESXi environments.

But how to use this plugin with nagios with so that it displays the data on Web interface.

I tried with couple of tricks but didn't succeed.
Owner's reply

Sorry for answering so late but I havent checked my account until now that I'm going to upload another plugin.
It's very easy to use this plugin with nagios. In commands.cfg you can add, by example:

define command{
command_name check_vmfs
command_line $USER1$/check_vmfs.sh -V $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -u $ARG4$

And in services.cfg by example:
define service{
use generic-service
host_name svrvirtual
service_description Espacio Sauron
check_command check_vmfs!/vmfs/volumes/Sauron!80!90!Gb