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jpcozar - Check vmfs datastores through VMware VC...

This is a Nagios Plugin that monitors the size (Kb, Mb, Gb) of the vmfs volumes (datastores) of a VMWare Server Esxi 4. Warning and critical levels can be set, and plugin gives us perfdata output too, so it can be graphe ... - Check vmfs datastores through VMware VC...

Hello, guys!
This is a Nagios Plugin that monitorws the size (Kb, Mb, Gb) of the vmfs volumes (datastores) of a VMWare Server Esxi 4/5.1, using the Vmware VCLI (Linux version).
Warning and critical levels can be set, and plugin gives us perfdata ou ...

This is a Nagios Plugin that monitors the size (Kb, Mb, Gb) of the total/free/used memory of a HP Procurve Switch.
Warning and critical levels (in %) can be set, and plugin gives us perfdata output too, so it can ...
check Lenovo System X3650 M5

Python script for monitoring Lenovo System X3650 M5. This is a fork from check_lenovo_flex Basically I modified OIDs to functions in ...
Check File Size JPC

Nagios Plugin for check the size of a local file, giving output in Bytes,KBytes,MBytes or GBytes.