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Check_iDRAC for DELL iDRAC

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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Check_iDRAC for DELL
Latest: 2.1
This check monitor idrac 7 hardware status via SNMP:
- Virtual Disk
- Physical Disk
- Memory
- Power Supply
- Power Unit
- Fan
- Battery
- Temperature Sensor

check out MANUAL on github

- Deprecated
Reviews (9)
bySetti, January 12, 2017
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Hi all.
The plugin extract the needed data, but the amount of output can be confusing.
For example, checking all memory banks will return the correct status, but the first line will always correspond to the first DIMM.
Instead, you should use the first line to give an overview of the status (i.e. checking all memory could return: "WARNING - Dimm3 nonok"), and then all the other output lines to give the status of each component. In this way, SMS and other messages will return the correct component with warn or crit state.
Owner's reply

Hi, script is not intended to be used this way, it was intended to check only one device, i.e one Memory dimm at a time.

byraprop, November 28, 2016
Excellent!! work fine with idrac8, with idrac7 show this message when check PU

PU 1: UNKNOWN(!)/OTHER(!), RedundancyStatus: OTHER(!), SystemBoard Pwr Consumption: 168 W | PwrConsumption=168;;;;

Is possible fixed?

Owner's reply

Because your device returns output that way :) script simply maps the OID with MIB and translate into human readable. You should investigate why it returns that output

Hallo, ich an Fan goes unterminimal Warning. The Script raises an error in case of the the value get in "(!)" attached and is not in int.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_idrac", line 841, in
result, exit_code = PARSER().main()
File "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_idrac", line 664, in main
hw_dict, exit_code = self.raise_alert(hw_dict, value_on_alert)
File "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_idrac", line 494, in raise_alert
if int(tmp[key][stat_t]) >= conf['fan_thresholds'][1]:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '3600(!)'
Owner's reply


Fixed with new merge (from another guy).

The tool make job, it miss only on small tutorial for multi line output on Nagios front end, if any body have one good documentation about that I take!!
Got the plugin from master on GitHub (there is an error in the include conf file on consumption line)

One feature request is that a nagios alert could be done on a whole group instead of each individual item. Mainly for FAN, MEMORY, SENSOR and PDISK groups

For example doing "-w MEM#0" would return something like

OK - All memory ENABLED/OK


CRITICAL - DIMM Socket B7 failed ...

while "-w MEM" would still return the non-alert full info like it does now.
Owner's reply


script currently limited support for global health, it will return with exit code of alert but now print prefix (OK, CRIT, WARN) and not combine check result, this can use with multi line check view in front-end

byhenri5672, July 23, 2015
I have a problem where if power supplies are removed this will not detect a problem. A removed PSU shows up with status of "lost", which I think is the issue.
Owner's reply

If removed PSU does not remove SNMP OID in idrac, then you must add 'lost' to state alert for script to know.

If SNMP OID removed also, then script will say that hardware not exist

bykalju, June 24, 2015
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
The plugin seems to do a decent job at picking up the correct information from the iDRAC controller.
However, at least in my experiments the no_alerts option seemed to be switched on by default and that means that even though the HW issues (like an unplugged PS) were detected, they did not trigger a Nagios alert.
For example:
$ ./check_idrac -f ./check_idrac.conf -H -w ps
PS 1: CRITICAL, Volt I/O: 264 V/(N/A) V, Current: (N/A) A, Watt I/O: 900.0 W/750.0 W
PS 2: OK, Volt I/O: 264 V/246.0 V, Current: 0.4 A, Watt I/O: 900.0 W/750.0 W
$ echo $?

So the correct exit code was not set.

I could find no other way to fix it than to change the code:
opts.no_alert = True

Also the PS and PU options should be better implemented / documented. Both, the wat-warn and the wat-crit need to be defined, otherwise you'll get a parsing error:
$ ./check_idrac -f ./check_idrac.conf -H -w ps --wat-warn=100,500
Error parsing threshold.

I believe the options should be parsed in separate code blocks or at least the error should be more precise. (This specific code starts on the line 256).

Thank you for the plugin and hope these issues will get addressed to make it a little bit more user friendly.
Owner's reply


You should visit my github, there is a manual.

The reason script does not return alert because you are using it wrong way :x


by, November 3, 2014
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Works fine, but i have a problem with the return status. I always get OK.

Here´s one example (1 PS is not connected, so it should get critical)

./ -H 10.xx.xx.xx -c public -m /usr/local/icinga/libexec/iDRAC-SMIv2.mib -w PS#2 --conf /usr/local/icinga/libexec/check_idrac.conf
OK - PS 2: CRITICAL, Volt I/O: 264 V/0.084 V, Current: 8.4 A, Watt I/O: 900.0 W/750.0 W

Also when I change the OK/WARN/CRIT Parameters in the Config, it also show´s alway OK.
With version 2.0b2 it works fine.

I think with the bugfix 2.0b3 the script ignors the config?
Owner's reply

It's realy strange. I tested with CRIT changed and it work fine.
Does 2.0b4 work for you?

bytarvin, September 10, 2014
3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Thanks for the check_idrac plugin. A review on 2014-09-10:

On the plugin's page, it's unclear which one to download, "check_iDRAC.tar.gz" or "idrac_2.0b.tar.gz"? Is check_iDRAC.tar.gz version 1? (It turns out: Yes, check_iDRAC.tar.gz is version 1.x.)

At the time of writing this, the files are weird, in that they are double-gzipped(?).

I think it's a shame that generation 2 demands a configuration file. I suggest that the general case be made simple (and not require a configuration file): Check all hardware's status using SMNP version 2c with "public" as community shouldn't require anything but a "-H ".

I couldn't get version 2.0b to work. After having created the configuration file, I'm trying:
$ python idrac/idrac_2.0/ -c check_idrac.conf -H foobar
Unknown flag passed to -C: u

I don't understand that, as I didn't put in a "-C" argument.

I'm giving a rating of Average, as generation 1 is fine, but generation 2 is bad at the time of writing.
Owner's reply

Thanks for your review. I will check the "-C" error and consider authen snmp as option.