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check_disk_spacecheck_disk_space ver. 0.93
Network Monitoring Software - Download Nagios XI
Log Management Software - Nagios Log Server - Download
Netflow Analysis Software - Nagios Network Analyzer - Download
check_disk_space is a Nagios plugin for checking disk used space. It returns the following information:
- total disk space on the partition (in Bytes)
- currently used disk space (in Bytes and in %)
- free disk space (in Bytes and in %)
check_disk_space is written in Bash and uses df, grep and awk - no Perl, no PHP, no SNMP. This ensures that it is able to run on minimal systems, with few packages installed, and it is compatible with UNIX, Linux and BSD.

The thresholds for warning and critical may be specified as integer or float numbers.

Performance data:
- used disk space (Bytes)
- used disk space (%)
Performance data is reported in bytes instead of MB (GB, TerraBytes etc.) because the performance data is supposed to be processed by the monitoring tool (e.g. Nagios or Centreon) which should scale the graph accordingly and apply the correct multiplier.
Performance data complies to Nagios standards and has min/max values and warning/critical thresholds.

check_disk_space [-v] [-h] [-w UsedSpaceWarning] [-c UsedSpaceCritical] [-p Partition]

prints the program version
prints this help information
warning threshold (in percents without % sign) for used space
critical threshold (in percents without % sign) for used space
disk partition to check


# ./check_disk_space -w 1 -c 90 -p /var
Warning; /var: total 1007.9MB, used 115.0MB (11.4%>1%), free 841.7MB (83.5%) | 'used space'=120590336B;10568581;951172300;0;1056858112 'used space (pct.)'=11.4%;1;90;0;100

Oct. 31, 2014 What's new in version 0.93
- improved error detection. The script exits gracefully if the partition does not exist or it can not be checked or if you simply forget to provide it as an argument.
- the path for binary executables is no more hard coded, which makes the script capable to run on virtually any Linux or UNIX system, without the need to edit it.
- the path for binary executables (grep, awk, free) can be overwritten in the parameters section, at the beginning of the script
- introduced a new function for bringing the size strings to humanly readable format (ex.: 1024 bytes=>1KB)