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check_ftp_rw uses Perl Net::FTP and Net::FTPSSL to check ability to login, change directory, read and write test file to/from FTP and FTPS.
check_ftp_rw uses Perl Net::FTP and Net::FTPSSL to check ability to login, change directory, read and write test file to/from FTP and FTPS.

It is based on check_hgsc_ftp (

Logs in to an FTP/FTPS server. Assumes anonymous login unless username/password are supplied.

Optionally takes a directory or file to check.

Will chdir to directory, if specified.

Will download file (to /dev/null) if specified. Filename can be a relative path from the specified directory (or /, if no directory has been given), or an absolute path.

Will write temporary file to current directory set by chdir and then delete it.

If host isn't available, or can't be logged into, CRITICAL is returned.

If the directory or file isn't available or file cannot be written, a WARNING is returned.
Reviews (3)
byhugme, September 18, 2015
It's not mentioned but you'll need the perl library SSLFTP to run it (even if you're not using the ssl connection)

The results are non-standard and only tells you if it worked. Correct result code but don't contain a "CRITICAL" or "OK", nor the name of the plugin, nor any statistical data.
byMajed1, September 21, 2011
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
if you ever get the problem (service check did not exit properly) the open the plugin and edit the line
use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" ;
use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins" ;
or wherever the plugins are located. and i confused the output in the previous post between check_ftp and check_ftp_rw
the output is as follows:
./ --host --user profiland --password Profiland1 --dir /install --file checkftp.txt
Connected to, logged in as profiland, chdir'ed to /install, downloaded checkftp.txt
byMajed, August 26, 2011
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
checks even if it can download a file from ftp by actually downloading it.
at first it gave me big problems such as an error like this:
Can't locate Net/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux
so i: #perl -MCPAN -e shell
and installed Net::FTPSSL by issuing the command install Net::FTPSSL and it took over an hour to install because it had lots of dependencies and many connection refused errors, but it worked great in the end here is the nagios output:
FTP OK - 0.035 second response time on port 21 [220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)]