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Check Bestlink UPS

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This is a script to monitor BESTLink Web/SNMP adapters. These are old adapters, so there might not be many sites that have them in use, but our site has quite a few, so this script has come in handy for monitoring them.
This is a script to monitor BESTLink Web/SNMP adapters. These are old adapters, so there might not be many sites that have them in use, but our site has quite a few, so this script has come in handy for monitoring them.

Based on Matt Stanford;s check_ups_alarms perl script.

IMPORTANT: This script requires you have firmware v4.31 or higher on the adapter. For some reason, older firmwares report garbage data for almost all the OIDs that it uses. Instead of spending time figuring that out why, we ended up upgrading the firmware.

Available checks :

Battery status (A battery has failed a periodic test)

Replace battery status (UPS has indicated a battery needs replacing)

Time on battery (Actual time UPS has run on battery)

Battery minutes remaining

Battery temperature ( return value is in Fahrenheit )

On Battery (If the UPS is running on battery)

Output Load Percentage (Percent of UPS output capacity utilized)

Bypass Active (UPS is in bypass mode)

Total clients (Total number of registered clients on the UPS)

Registered clients (This should return a list of IP addresses of registered clients)