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check_netapp-duPlugin code
netapp-shares.mapShare to volume mapping file
netapp-gencacheCache generation
Nagios CSP

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A very fast SNMP based disk space checker for NetApp NAS filers, which supports both Volumes and QTrees, also over 2TB.
This is a disk space checker for NetApp filers, based on an older plugin by Rob Hassing. The plugin interrogates the NAS via SNMP and supports both Volumes and subdirectories with user quota aka QTrees, also ones larger than 2TB.

The plugin uses a map file ( and some basic heuristics to translate Windows share names to volume/Qtree names (CIFS share names are not exposed via SNMP).

Usage: -H -v [-C community] -w -c [-e] [-f files-warn] [-F files-crit] [--force-gencache] [--prefix=/vol] [--debug]

For performance reasons, the SNMP Volume and QTree IDs are looked up from a local cache file rather than retrieved from the NetApp filer every time. It will be necessary to regenerate this cache regularly, as volumes are added or changed on the NAS.

Since the running time of this cache generation may be too long for Nagios (depending on the global service check time-out), it is recommended to do this only from an interactive shell or a cron job. Run a check on any volume adding the "-–force-gencache" parameter to regenerate the volume ID cache. A sample script is provided which can be run from cron, provided you are running Opsview, and provided all NetApp filers are in the same host group.
Reviews (1)

I have used this plugin got the below error message,
print() on closed filehandle LOCKFILE at ./check_netapp-d line 140
sh: /data/scripts/nagios/NAS/.netapp-oidcache. No such file or directory
CRITICAL: Could not cache list of shares: error 1

found that there is a folder should be created in this path to generate a cron job script for specific settings. So i created manually to resolve this. After that, its working fine...