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check_fujitsu_server (SNMP,CIM,REST)

6 votes
Current Version
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
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Version: 3.60
Monitor Fujitsu server via iRMC (out-of-band, SNMP, REST) or in-band (SNMP, CIM and REST). Monitor PRIMERGY Server and Blade and PRIMEQUEST
or monitor ServerView RAID or a RackCDU.
Special Tools: Update Management, ServerView CIM indications.
The complete package, including documentation and tools and sample configurations
can be downloaded on the Fujitsu support side:
Software Products .. ServerView .. Integration Solutions ..
ServerView Integration in Nagios

For feedback or support contact mail address svnagios@ts.fujitsu.com

ORIGIN: Fujitsu
About Versions - see changelog at the end of this text

- Adaption to newer provider data, Adaption to newer curl versions
- Support of SSD Lifetime property for Storage (if available)

- newer ESXi-CIM-Service might work with disabled SSLv3 SSL protocol BUT current
wbemcli work only with this protocol.
There are two ways to handle this:
1. change ESXi configuration see
2. build an own wbemcli with an official patch see

The package consists of plugins, tools and snmptt configuration files

snmptt configuration files are available for the handling of the
most important ServerView SNMP Traps and ServerView CIM indications.

- Get basic system information of a host.
- discoverer multiple hosts and generate NAGIOS host definitions
- get system inventory information of a host
- tools for ServerView Update Management (CIM, REST)
- tools to handle ServerView CIM indications

- check_fujitsu_server.pl (SNMP)
Monitor Fujitsu Windows and Linux systems:
* Fujitsu PRIMERGY server with installed ServerView SNMP Agent
* Any server with installed ServerView SNMP Agent
* Fujitsu PRIMERGY Multinode server (e.g. CX400)
* Fujitsu PRIMERGY Blade
* Monitoring via iRMC
* Monitor RackCDU(TM)

- check_fujitsu_server_CIM.pl (CIM)
Monitor systems based on ServerView CIM Providers via wbemcli or OpenWSMAN.
For OpenWSMAN usage: This script calls another script :
fujitsu_server_wsman.pl (CIM)
* VMware ESXi systems based on ServerView CIM Providers
* LINUX systems based on ServerView CIM Providers
* Windows systems based on ServerView CIM Providers

- check_fujitsu_server_REST.pl (REST)
Monitor systems based on services in ServerView Agent or iRMC S4/S5 via curl.
* Fujitsu PRIMERGY server with installed ServerView Agent
* Any server with installed ServerView Agent
* Monitoring via iRMC S4/S5

For SNMP, CIM and REST following information are available:
(On some systems not all component information is available)
- Environment (Fans, Liquid Pump and Temperature-Sensors)
- Power Supply and Power Consumption
- Systemboard parts like Voltage, CPU, MemoryModules

Following component information is system type dependent:
- DriverMonitor status
- RAID status
- Update Agent status

Via PRIMERGY ManagementBlade following sub-blades types can be monitored (only SNMP):
- Server Blades
- IO-Connection Blades (e.g the Switch variants)
- KeyVideoMouse Blades
- Storage Blades

Performance Data: The plugin supports performance values and their thresholds if
they are available.
Temperature Sensor (value and threshold)
- PRIMEQUEST Power Consumption (value and max-value)
- PRIMERGY Blade MMB Power Consumption (value)
- PRIMERGY server Power Consumption (value and threshold)
- PRIMERGY server "Physical Memory Usage" - Special:
the thresholds can be set as simple percent options
- PRIMERGY server "File System" - Special:
the thresholds can be set as simple percent options
- PRIMERGY server "Network Interface" - Special:
the thresholds can be set as simple KB/sec values
(about details read the manual)

The former Netways Plugin check_fujitsu_primergy supports only some parts
of the SNMP Plugin and uses in-parts now historic SNMP Oids of
older ServerView SNMP Agents.

The output texts of the Plugins are strong formatted to
allow followup analysis.

In case of not-ok status of checks all necessary administrative information
is printed (into SERVICE_LONG_OUTPUT).

OK-sample - check of host 10.n.n.n
$ check_fujitsu_server.pl -H10.n.n.n
OK - ID=YKKG000085 - Environment(ok) PowerSupply(ok) MassStorage(ok) Systemboard(ok)
| PowerConsumption=260Watt Ambient=28C;37;42 Systemboard=38C;60;65 CPU1=40C;95;100 CPU2=40C;95;100 DIMM-1A=32C;82;87 DIMM-1B=32C;82;87 DIMM-1C=35C;82;87 DIMM-1D=33C;82;87 DIMM-1E=33C;82;87 DIMM-1F=33C;82;87

Sample of Status-not-ok - additional information printed in LONG output
$ check_fujitsu_server.pl -H10.n.n.nn
WARNING - ID=YKHJXXXXXX - Environment(ok) PowerSupply(ok) MassStorage(ok) Systemboard(degraded)
ID=YKHJXXXXXX Systemname=RX200S52 Description="Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4 AT/AT COMPATIBLE - Software: Windows Version 6.0 (Build 6002 Multiprocessor Free)" Location="Augsburg / Halle 34" Contact="Mrs. XXX" AdminURL= Model="PRIMERGY RX200 S5"
warning: Voltage[1] Name=BATT_3.0V Current=2560mV Min=2010mV Max=3500mV
| PowerConsumption=132Watt;160 Ambient=24C;37;42 Systemboard=33C;60;65 CPU1=30C;85;90 CPU2=30C;85;90 DIMM-1A=32C;78;82 DIMM-1B=33C;78;82 DIMM-1D=30C;78;82 DIMM-1E=30C;78;82
Verbose 2 run - get inventory information (with ... to reduce the text here)
$ check_fujitsu_server.pl -H10.n.n.n -v2
WARNING - ID=YKHJXXXXXX - Environment(ok) PowerSupply(ok) MassStorage(ok) Systemboard(degraded) Network(ok) DrvMonitor(ok)
ID=YKHJXXXXXX Systemname=RX200S52 Description="Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4 AT/AT COMPATIBLE - Software: Windows Version 6.0 (Build 6002 Multiprocessor Free)" Location="Augsburg / Halle 34" Contact="Mrs. XXX" AdminURL= Model="PRIMERGY RX200 S5"
ok: PowerConsumption Current=132Watt Max=200Watt Warning=80%
* Fans:
ok: Fan[1] Name=FAN1_SYS Speed=6120rpm
ok: Fan[2] Name=FAN2_SYS Speed=6480rpm
* Temperature Sensors:
ok: Sensor[1] Name=Ambient Temperature=24C Warning=37C Critical=42C
ok: Sensor[2] Name=Systemboard Temperature=33C Warning=60C Critical=65C
* Power Supplies:
ok: PSU[1] Name=PSU1 CurrentLoad=140Watt Max=770Watt
* Voltages:
warning: Voltage[1] Name=BATT_3.0V Current=2560mV Min=2010mV Max=3500mV
ok: Voltage[2] Name=STBY_3.3V Current=3330mV Min=3090mV Max=3570mV
ok: Voltage[3] Name=iRMC_1.2V_STBY Current=1210mV Min=1080mV Max=1320mV
* CPU Table:
disabled: CPU[1] Name=CPU_1 Speed=1867MHz
ok: CPU[2] Name=CPU_2 Speed=1867MHz
* Memory Modules Table:
ok: Memory[1] Name=DIMM-1A Type="DDR3 / UDIMM" Capacity=1024MB Frequency=800MHz Frequency-Max=1066MHz
ok: Memory[3] Name=DIMM-1B Type="DDR3 / UDIMM" Capacity=1024MB Frequency=800MHz Frequency-Max=1066MHz

ok: RAID - Controller(ok) PhysicalDevice(ok) LogicalDrive(ok)
* RAID Controller:
ok: RAIDCtrl[1] Name="LSI RAID 0 1 SAS 8P (0)" Description="PCI Bus 2, Device 0, Function 0" Cache=0MB Interface=sas Driver=lsi_sas
* RAID Physical Device:
ok:online: PhysicalDevice[] Name="FUJITSU MHY2120BS (0)" ID=K40LT822568D SlotNr=0 Capacity=111GB Interface=sata Type=disk
ok:online: PhysicalDevice[] Name="FUJITSU MHY2120BS (1)" ID=K40LT822566N SlotNr=1 Capacity=111GB Interface=sata Type=disk
ok:online: PhysicalDevice[] Name="FUJITSU MHY2120BS (2)" ID=K40LT822566B SlotNr=2 Capacity=111GB Interface=sata Type=disk
* RAID Logical Drive:
online: LogicalDrive[1.1] Name="LogicalDrive_0 (0)" OSDeviceName="Disk 0" Level=raid1e TotalSize=332GB

| PowerConsumption=132Watt;160 Ambient=24C;37;42 Systemboard=33C;60;65 CPU1=30C;85;90 CPU2=30C;85;90 DIMM-1A=32C;78;82 DIMM-1B=33C;78;82 DIMM-1D=30C;78;82 DIMM-1E=30C;78;82

= = = = = = = = =
V3.60 - Adaption to newer provider data, Adaption to newer curl versions
- Support of SSD Lifetime property for Storage (if available)
- rename "all" hostgroup to ALL-FUJITSU-SERVER-HOSTS to prevent warning.
- Support of the memory module configuration status
V3.50 - Support for iRMC S5 and iRMC S4 Version 9 Redfish interface
V3.40 - ESXi CIM support of ServerView CIM RAID
- iRMC CIM is no longer supported. Only identification checks are enabled
- SNMPv3 - handle "no such objects" and "no such instance" messages
V3.30 - New Support of REST services for monitoring.
Available REST services are (inband) ServerView Agents and component Server Control (SCCI)
and (out-of-band) ServerView iRMC Report.
- SNMP: Handle multiple cabinet units with own fans and temperature sensors
and PSUs
V3.20 - New inventory tool to get additional system informations - usable
for unscheduled calls - more about this see additional documents
- New support (SNMP) for RackCDU(TM) Monitoring
- New tools for ServerView Update Management (CIM)
- New tools to handle ServerView CIM indications
- Updated SNMP trap configurations
V3.10 - Discovery and import of ServerView Operation Manager server list
- Support ServerView System Monitor URL discovery
- Support Liquid Cooling Devices
- Enhance ServerView Update Status to fetch the update difference list
- Discovery: enable additional control options and more
- rearange sample configuration hostgroups and their configuration files
V3.00 - Support of monitoring via iRMC address instead of host address
- Additional discovery tool to discover hosts and generate NAGIOS
configuration files
- Perlv5.16 bugfix: concerning lines 'print "@_" if (defined @_);'

V2.10 - Support of Windows and LINUX CIM Provider information
- CIM tool to test connectivity and server type
- Better SNMPv3 support: Enable Input-Option-File to hide credentials
- Try SNMPv1 connection if SNMPv2 fails.
V2.00 - New SNMP Trap support
- Support of ServerView Update Agent Status
- New ESXi CIM support via executable wbemcli:
check_fujitsu_server_CIM.pl and corresponding sample configurations

- Add Operating System Information in notify data
- Enable File System monitoring and performance check for PRIMERGY server
- Enable Network Interface monitoring and performance check for PRIMERGY server
- Support of PRIMEQUEST 2000 series
- Allow option for any SNMP Transport Domain Type
- Enable IPv6 SNMP connections (for Perl Net::SNMP V6 or higher)
- Some smaller enhancements and changes for stability and unified printouts
- Enable variable SNMP port
- Support standalone monitoring for ServerView RAID
Reviews (5)
We're using the plugin with REST a while to monitor our ESX-Hosts (RX2540 M4).
Works very well. It does what it should reliably.

Today I updated iRMC of the first server to version 3.05p.
After that the plugin couldn't longer communicate with iRMC. It ran into a timeout.
After some time I realised that the version 3.6x which is here offered isn't the newest version.
Currently there is 3.70.
After updating the plugin it started working again.
The download ist kind of hard to find - here you can get the current version: https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/IndexDownload.asp?lng=&SoftwareGUID=ffa3f833-3f05-4fe7-bcac-64f30bf7c0a8
bychrisman, December 16, 2019
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Great plugin since years.
But I have a problem with the --chkenv on an iRMC S5, it give a wrong status.

According to the documentation I can split this into:


these checks brings the correct status "ok" but the --chkenv brings "UNKNOWN"

Sample-output from an S4:

OK Environment(ok)
| Ambient=22C;37;42 Systemboard=44C;75;80 CPU1=54C;97;98 CPU2=46C;97;98 MEM_A=33C;78;82 MEM_B=33C;78;82 MEM_C=34C;78;82 MEM_D=34C;78;82 MEM_E=33C;78;82 MEM_F=33C;78;82 MEM_G=35C;78;82 MEM_H=35C;78;82 PCH=46C;80;85 LOM=41C;67;70 PSU1_Inlet=30C;57;61 PSU2_Inlet=34C;57;61 PSU1=40C;103;107 PSU2=44C;103;107 RAID_Controller=64C;110;114

Sample-Output from a S5:

ID=XXXXXXXXX Systemname=XXXXXXX Description="Primergy iRMC S4 Wed Jan 23 17:40:57 CET 2019" Location="- unknown -" Contact="root@localhost" BaseServer-OS="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" BaseServer-FQDN="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
| Ambient=21C;37;42 Systemboard_1=30C;75;80 Systemboard_2=45C;75;80 CPU1=47C;89;90 CPU2=43C;89;90 MEM_A=40C;78;82 MEM_B=39C;78;82 MEM_C=41C;78;82 MEM_D=43C;78;82 MEM_E=43C;78;82 MEM_F=43C;78;82 MEM_G=38C;78;82 MEM_H=37C;78;82 MEM_J=36C;78;82 MEM_K=39C;78;82 MEM_L=39C;78;82 MEM_M=39C;78;82 PCH=68C;80;85 OCP=46C;69;72 PSU1_Inlet=33C;57;61 PSU2_Inlet=37C;57;61 PSU1=43C;103;107 PSU2=47C;103;107 RAID_Controller=82C;110;114 HDD=36C;60
Owner's reply

Thanks for the info. There was a bug concerning iRMC S5 "Overall component status values". I'm not sure if this is the case here. You can create an logoutput with high verbose Level and sent this to the iRMC Support.

bymucwegatron, October 28, 2014
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Fantastic work und respect. You need to make small change to work with Perl v5.18.
Line 327 was:
print "@_" if (defined @_);

Changed to:
print "@_" if @_;
bywillemdh, September 11, 2014
This plugin monitors everything you wish to monitor on Fujtisu Serverview Blades or Management Blades. We certainly like the chkpower of the chassis which enables us to closely monitor power usage of all components in the enclosure. Thanks!

bymikedebike, March 27, 2013
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Thank you for the fantastic work! This plugin gives the best advantages for monitoring fujitsu servers.