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  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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  • And So Much More! is a Nagios(R) plugin that allows you to monitor the network interfaces of a node (e.g. router, switch, server) without knowing each interface in detail. This plugin comes from /, and provides lots of enhancements, bugfixes and new features.
Interfacetable_v3t is a Nagios(R) plugin/addon that allows you to monitor
the network interfaces of a node (e.g. router, switch, server) without knowing
each interface in detail. Only the hostname (or ip address) and the snmp community string are required.

Interfacetable_v3t (formerly comes from:
* released courtesy ITdesign Software Projects & Consulting. this is the first version of the plugin, extracted from the commercial suite proposed courtesy ITdesign.
* released courtesy NETWAYS GmbH, it adds the performance data related to bandwidth usage.
This 3rd version of the plugin includes many new features and improved functionality.

Some key highlights of this version include:
* externalization of the html page design in css stylesheets and js files
* extended interface inclusion/exclusion system
* full documentation
* code review and cleaned, following the nagios plugin development guidelines
* installer for straightforward installations and upgrades
* snmp v1/v2c/v3 supported with several snmp options available
* 64bits counters support
* error/discard packet tracking, duplex status tracking
* Juniper Netscreen extended mode (including vsys, zone and management protocols)
* more and more supported devices
* and much more ! (see changelogs)

Complete documentation:


Support the check of the following node types: Brocade fiberchannel switches, Cisco routers, Linux hosts, Windows hosts, Solaris hosts, Netapp filers,...

Note: the previous branches (0.02, 0.03, 0.04) are still available but will be not enhanced anymore.

Note: release >=0.05-1 include nagios 4 support.
Reviews (6)
byrozsomak, October 24, 2013
I've installed it on nagios 4, and, the status link does not appear correctly: I get instead of, what is the cause of that? :S
Owner's reply

Please open a topic in the support part of the dedicated forum
Please post the options used to install interfacetable_v3t.

bypierrooo, July 3, 2013
Good plugin!

works with Cisco 1800,1900,880
Dell Powerconnect 2848

But i have a problem with pnp4nagios:

PNP Error
"/usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata/XXX/Interface_Status.xml" not found.
Despite PNP4Nagios works with others plugins.
Owner's reply

Hi pierrooo,
Thanks for the feedback.
The plugin should work correctly with pnp4nagios. Moreover, pnp4nagios is the recommended graphing solution to use with this plugin.
Also, you may use the option -h "host alias" and specify the hostname used in the nagios config. Usually, with pnp4nagios the checkcommand would start with ./ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -h $HOSTNAME$ ...
If you still face this problem, please go to the dedicated forum ( and post some details about it.

byidroj, October 23, 2012
I configured and monitored 3Com Switches (2829 and 2849) and Sonicwall NSA2400 successfully.

While I'm configuring all this stuff I found some troubles that I solved by myself:

1.- 3Com Switches (2849) labels contains ", " (comma and space) and this caused broken links to pnp4nagios graphs cause XML an RRD files generated translated this sequence to "._".
To solve this I added (line 1855) the following line to "GenerateInterfaceTableData" function inside file:

$servicename =~ s/, /\._/g;

2.- Blank characters in Nagios Hostnames are visualized as "Q20" in "Node Selector" drop down menu. I solved this adding the following line to "nodename" function inside /usr/local/interfacetable_v3t/share/tables/index.php file:

$filename = preg_replace("/(Q20)/", " ", $filename);

Hope this help somebody.

Thanx for this awesome plugin!!!
Owner's reply

Thanks for your feedback.
I will implement your change in the next release of the plugin.
Best regards,

By far the best, most comprehensive interface plug-in for large environments. I really had problems finding anything to compete with this... Performance degraded [on the Cisco switch] when running check_snmp_netint against all desired/monitored interfaces, and even then, I couldn't control the output as much as I can with this. Just fantastic. Thanks!
Excellent plugin.

It's not possible to monitor NetApp FAS systems. I get the error: "[ERROR] Could not read ifOctetIn information from host "x.y.z.q" with snmp".

This post explains why.
Owner's reply

Full support of NetApp Filers is implemented and will be available in the next release of the plugin (0.05)
Thanks for the feedback.

bybennson, June 20, 2011
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
Great work !