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check_sql_query.txtcheck_sql_query nagios plugin
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nagios plugin to execute a specific sql query (ksh script)
nagios plugin to execute a specific sql query
author: Sergei Haramundanis 08-Aug-2006

usage: check_sql_query access_file query_file


This plugin will execute a sql query and report the elapsed time it took for the values to return

This plugin requires oracle sqlplus (see definition of ORACLE_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH further on in this script, you may need to
change them)

contents of access_file must contain database connection information in the following format:

USERNAME username
PASSWORD password
CONNECTION_STRING connection_string

contents of query_file must contain sql query information in the following format:

SQL_QUERY specific_sql_query

these are to be used by sqlplus to login to the database and execute the appropriate sql query


During any run of the plugin, it will execute the sql query

if the query was successful it will return on OK state with the message:

[OK] successful sql query execution | elapsedTime=##secs

if the query was not successful it will return a CRITICAL state with the message:

[CRITICAL] sql query execution failed db_result | elapsedTime=##secs

query execution failure is determined if any ORA- error is received or if the query returned 0 rows