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Category: Clustering and High-Availability
Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.
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Checks IBM BigInsights Console version (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks IBM BigInsights File/Directory on HDFS or GPFS via BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - File/directory existence - check whether the given path is a file or directory Directory Checks: The following additional checks may be ... [Hadoop] (Advanced Na...

Checks IBM BigInsights File/Directory on Hadoop HDFS or GPFS via BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - File/directory existence - check whether the given path is a file or directory Directory Checks: The following additional checks ... (Advanced Nag...

Checks IBM BigInsights HDFS Space Used % via BigInsights Console REST API Raises Critical on any blocks with Corrupt replicas or Missing replicas. Warning/Critical thresholds are applied to Under-replicated blocks. [Hadoop] (Advanced ...

Checks IBM BigInsights Hadoop HDFS Space Used % via BigInsights Console REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins...

Checks IBM BigInsights Nodes via the BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - dead nodes vs thresholds (default: w=0, c=1) - outputs perfdata of live and dead nodes [Hadoop] (Advanced Na...

Checks IBM BigInsights Hadoop Services (Map/Reduce, HDFS/GPFS, BigSQL, HBase etc) via BigInsights Console REST API Checks either a given service or all services managed by BigInsights Console. - Checks service Running - Checks service last check la ... [Hadoop] (Adva...

Checks IBM BigInsights Service Details via BigInsights Console REST API Supported Services: mr_summary - checks MapReduce service for runing state and dead JobTrackers mr_tasktrackers - checks MapReduce service for dead TaskTrackers fs_su ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks Impala metrics from a given Impalad/StateStore debug UI

Script for checking status of IPVS (IP Virtual Server) nodes through NRPE and reports if both nodes are in MASTER or BACKUP state due to network outages. (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...

Checks a Linux Interface for errors, promisc mode etc, designed to be run locally on machine over NRPE or similar

Simple check plugin to monitor the health and filesystem size of one or more lustre filesystems. This check must be run on a system that mounts the monitored lustre filesystems. Uses 'lfs df' to gather info on filesystems so it should not use any costly ( ... (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

Checks the number of Mesos activated slaves via the Mesos Master Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Co...

Checks number of Chronos jobs (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks the number of Mesos deactivated slaves via the Mesos Master Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks a Mesos Master's health API endpoint (Advanced Nagios Plugins ...

Checks Mesos Slave metrics via the Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Co...

Checks Mesos Master state via Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks Mesos metrics for either a Master or Slave via the Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks Mesos Slave metrics via the Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Checks Mesos Slave state via Rest API

Run two or more NRPE checks and return a status based on their aggregated results.

Check locally the status of OpenHA cluster by using /usr/local/cluster/service command. Can be executed by SSH, NRPE or an SNMP extension. for syntax, do -h

A nagios script for calling the 'showq' command to test for the presence of crashed nodes in a high performance computing cluster that uses Moab/Maui & Torque for job scheduling and queuing. Example: ./check_pbsnodes -w 1 -c 2 This would warn Nagio ...

A check plugin written in perl which takes regex based on service or hostname and returns WARN or CRIT based on user specified percentages. Useful for cluster monitoring. check process memory usage

Check fd count opened by a given process
Check more: (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Checks Ranger stats for number of policies and repositories via the Rest API

simple bash script to check status of rhcs on member node. uses cman_tool, and clustat for information. script is extremely bare, but one day might add more. (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Checks Riak diagnostics. Raises Critical or Warning if any such diagnostics are found, outputs the number of critical, warning and notice diagnostics. Designed to be run on each Riak node via NRPE (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Checks a specific Riak key via HTTP Rest API 1. reads a specified Riak key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) raises warning/critica ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Co...

Checks Riak member status via riak-admin (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks that all Riak nodes agree on state. Useful to check that ring state has settled after changing cluster memberships (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks Riak's /stats metrics (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Checks Riak's version via the Basho Stats API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks Riak is working and writeable via the HTTP Rest API Checks: 1. writes a new unique key to the nagios bucket with dynamically generated value 2. reads key back, checking the value is identical to the value generated and written 3. deletes th ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Checks a Riak read/write cycle via riak-admin test

check_serviceguard is a plugin for Nagios that checks various aspects of a HP ServiceGuard cluster. The plugin checks cluster status, node and package status etc. It tries to be smart and minimizes the output, by letting only the first node (in the node l ...

check_serviceguard is a plugin for Nagios that checks various aspects of a HP ServiceGuard cluster. The plugin checks cluster status, node and package status etc. The plugin tries to be smart and minimizes the output, by letting only the first node (in th ...

Nagios plugin that checks status of heartbeat/pacemaker resources running on nodes (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

Checks SolrCloud server is alive in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a Spark cluster via the Spark Master HTTP interface Optional thresholds can be applied to the number of Spark Workers (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks a Spark cluster for dead workers via the Spark Master HTTP interface (Advanced Nagios Plugins ...

Check Spark cluster memory used % via the Spark Master HTTP interface (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Check a Spark Worker via HTTP interface Optionally checks the memory used % of the worker if given thresholds

Check by SSH the effective cluster role of an EfficientIP device compared to an expected role. perl module Net:OpenSSH is required.

Check SUN Cluster status on the current host