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check_serviceguard is a plugin for Nagios that checks various aspects of a HP ServiceGuard cluster. The plugin checks cluster status, node and package status etc. It tries to be smart and minimizes the output, by letting only the first node (in the node list) that are up and running report any errors.

check_serviceguard is designed to be run locally with NRPE. Example:

$ check_serviceguard
OK - Cluster 'pgprod' is up, 3 nodes, 12 packages

If something is wrong, the plugin will report it:

$ check_serviceguard
[imap-cluster] Package 'lister-prod' is down (halted)

check_serviceguard uses the ServiceGuard command cmviewcl for all its work, and needs permission to run this command. The best way to accomplish this is to use 'sudo'. Edit the file '/etc/sudoers' (e.g. by running 'visudo' as root) and add the following line:

nagios ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/cmcluster/bin/cmviewcl

If you run NRPE as another user than nagios, replace "nagios" with the appropriate user name. check_serviceguard will automatically use sudo unless it is run as root.