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Nagios Plugn for reading BackupExec's error log from db. It can be used with NSClient++. You can read the backupexec log querying the db. You need to change the connection string into the script and substitute the sqlistance with the instance nam ...

Nagios Plugn for reading vSphere DB. It is intended to be used with NSClient++. You can query the vSphere DB (VIM_VCDB) and get the list of the datastore with critical free space

You can read the status of your backup jobs querying the BackupExec DB (BEDB). With this script you can obtain the list of backup with the following alert: Job Failed; Job Canceled; Media Required.

You can use this vbs script to query the Sophos DB (sophos50 as default) and get the list of client infected.
Check SQL Agent Jobs Failed

You need to change the connection string with the name of the sql server you want to monitor, the password of the sa user and then implement the nrpe command and service on Nagios.
Check Veeam Backup Jobs

This check run a query on Veeam DB and extract only the failed job (result=2) If you want to add other result to this notification, pay attention on the result column value set. 2 = Failed 1 = Warning 0 = Success -1 = Running
Check Active Snapshot on vSphere

You will receive a message with the list of active snapshot from more than 1 days