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Nimble Storage Hardware Pool Disk Space API Check Scrip...

The script utilises the Nimble Storage API to provide some basic disk space usage monitoring. Although the Nimble Storage alerting system via Infosight is very good, we all know the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing a nice green service status in NagiosXI. The ...
Nimble Storage Hardware Health API Check Script

The script utilises the Nimble Storage API to provide some basic hardware status monitoring. Although the Nimble Storage alerting system via Infosight is very good, we all know the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing a nice green service status in NagiosXI. The ...
Nimble Storage Replication Health API Check Script

The script utilises the Nimble Storage API to monitor the state of any lagged volumes, i.e. replicas that are still in a copying state. The user can specify when a lagged volume breaches a specific threshold in seconds to generate an error. Its normal for ...
Dell EMC Isilon - Hardware Health Check Script

The script utilises the Dell EMC Isilon REST API to collect and display Cluster Health and basic node state information. It is recommended to create a read-only account on the Nimble Storage array(s), this can be AD/LDAP or local. The script is written ...
APC PDU Pair Load Monitoring

Script to check a pair of APC dual bank PDUs installed in a rack for overload situation, whereby Bank 1 or Bank 2 of PDU 1 and PDU 2 have a combined load over the maximum of one Bank, thus meaning redundant power is not necessarily available.
Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin

The Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain usage information. It can be pointed at a single ECS cluster or multiple clusters depending on your federation and geo-replication configuration. It is strongly recommended to create a ...
Dell ECS Health Plugin

The Dell ECS Health Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain health information. It is designed to be pointed at a single cluster, but use of multiple checks for each cluster can be created for federation and geo-replication configuration. It is ...
Slack Status API Check Script

The script uses the Slack Status API to be able to report the Slack service status, as presented from their API.