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plugin to check virtuzoo disk and inode quota

To check the indoe quota of the virtuzoo containers. Once I faced a critical production server issue due to the inode quota of the containers which leads me for this plugin.
The Version 1.1 is upgraded for monitoring both disk and inode quota at same ...

To find status of disk usage and inode usage based on mount point/path. The default check_disk comes with nagios-plugin pack doesnot work in my case. So this plugin can work as a alternative.
plugin to check oracle SID status

Plugin to check whether Oracle SID is up or down.
plugin to check flexm status and usage(number of licens...

Plugin to check flexlm status and usage - number of license pulling from remote license server.
/Category:License Management
plugin to check plm status

This plugin will check the plm running status from mux and dsp status and feed result into nagios. This is tested in Seimens TC 2005 server.