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To find status of disk usage and inode usage based on mount point/path. The default check_disk comes with nagios-plugin pack doesnot work in my case. So this plugin can work as a alternative.
Purpose : To check the used disk space and used inode limit using df on path or mountpoint.
It takes the mountpoint/path as the second argument.
Usage : It accepts 3 arguments, warnings limit and critical limit .If used %age is more than -w value it will give warning message
If used %age is more that -c value it will give critical message

Syntax : check_diskinode_status.plx [PathToCheck] -w [WarnLimit] -c [CritLimit]

Reason for this : In some cases (e.g. virtuzoo container in my case), the default check_disk plugin comes with nagios-plugin doesnt work. The df,mount,procfs dont show properly mounted
device,filesystems,sizes. So I have to use df // to get the details which is fed into this plugin to get values.

It also works on all unix/linux systems also.

To run it using nrpe, put the script in /usr/local/nagios/libexec.
Change permission to 744.
Add below line to /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg of the host:
command[check_diskinode_mountpoint_status]= /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_diskinode_status.plx -w 80 -c 90

Then add the command in the hostfile of the nagios server.

From nagios server using nrpe in command line quota can be checked.