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check_vmware_api (former check_esx3) is a Nagios plugin made by op5 AB to monitor vmware's products. The plugin uses the VMWare API (via HTTPS) to do a wide variety of checks. You can check out the latest version with GIT at git:// ...
Advanced Network Interface Check - check_netint / check...

This plugin checks port status, STP, traffic and errors data of network interfaces. It is optimized for faster execution and has advanced support of cisco switches. Starting with 2.4 version it be used both with SNMP and run locally on linux servers. The ...

Check the IO and MB/s for an network device to generate graphs from the performance data.

check_traffic_limit is a Nagios plugin based on vnstat. It checks the traffic on any interface and sends a warning when defined daily or monthly limits are reached. The plugin comes with Nagios grapher templates.
check_traffic_limit_0.2 -i et ...