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Nagios Log Server

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Page 1 of 1 for activemq

How To Monitor Apache ActiveMQ With Nagios XI


This document describes how to use custom Apache ActiveMQ plugins and checks to monitor your Apache ActiveMQ server with Nagios XI. Specifically, this document shows you how to set up Nagios XI to get up to date information on how many objects are in the ...



This is a checker which need to be run on your ActiveMQ-Host for persistent Queue length. It is written in Bash and uses activemq's commandline-interface 'activemq-admin bstat' to gather information. It is called via nrpe. Please also read the sourcecod ...



Apache ActiveMQ current messages monitoringscript



This nagios check will check if your queues have consumers and the number of items on the queue is within configured limits. Limits can be specified with crontab-like entries on a per-queue basis. If no specific rule is present for a queue, a defaul ...


ActiveMQ Nagios Plugin


Monitor Apache ActiveMQ's health, queuesizes and subscribers. The plugin makes use of the Jolokia REST interface, is written in Python and is based on the nagiosplugin Python library.


ActiveMQ Monitoring Scripts For Nagios


Check this out - two new nagios check-scripts for ActiveMQ!

ActiveMQ Memory Monitor


Check activemq's store-, memory- and tempspace


ActiveMQ Checks in python


Fork of github.com/predic8/activemq-nagios-plugin, this plugin adds the "QUEUEAGE" check, which controls the age of the oldest message in a queue. Checks are done via Jolokia REST interface, with some fallbacks to JSP Admin page. Implemented in Pyth ...
