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check_ichains_0.1.tgzcheck_ichains 0.1
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The purpose of the plugin is to check individual websites for a user defined regex to be sure they are functioning properly. This plugin supports authentication to Novell IChains Single Sign On systems. This is a perl plugin for Nagios that is ePN capable.
+++ check_ichains

* History
* Features
* How-to
* Future Roadmap

++++ History

//In my environment at least I ran into a situation where every so often one of the many sites we served up via intra or extranet would fail. And while the Apache service, and the machine were still functioning properly we would still be suffering a service outage we needed to know about. As a result we decided to build out a simple check_site plugin using perl and LWP. The problem we faced though was in our environment Novell I-Chains machines were used to synchronize logins across multiple offices. As a result we needed a check_site script that could authenticate to I-chains before it checked the site it was verifying was up. That's where this script began. Additionally this script support checking of sites that do not require authentication. And due to circumstance runs properly in Nagios 2.0 ePN. More developements are expected including the addition of Basic Authentication.//

++++ Features
* ePN compatible
* IChains authentication
* Simple web site checking
* XML input for per site calls

++++ How-to
# Put script "check_ichains" into libexec path for nagios with other plugins
# Put XML scripts in a directory called "sites" inside of the share directory for nagios
# Modify check_ichains to set the paths to both of those.
# Test call check_ichains -H
# Once you have figured this out, install the plugin in your nagios check_commands as you would any other.

++++ Roadmap
* Will add Basic Auth
* Will allow for more complex XML configs so you can walk through a site. Almost QA style.