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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
check_asterisk_voicemailplugin itself
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This plugin check the voicemail to make sure they are not full, using the cli manager.
This plugin check the voicemail to make sure they are not full, using the cli manager.

There is no parameters, it use the default maximum number of message in a voicemail box, or the specified one in the voicemail configuration file if it is found.

Useful when voicemail messages are send by mail and stored on the server at the same time, as people often forget to clean the voicemail when they have message in the mail.

Primarily created for Debian, it can be modified in a few lines.

This plugin calls the asterisk executable directly, so make sure that the user executing this script has appropriate permissions! Usually the asterisk binary can only be run by the asterisk user or root. To grant the nagios user
permissions to execute the script, try something like the following in your /etc/sudoers file:
nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/plugins/directory/check_asterisk_voicemail

Then call the plugin using sudo:
/path/to/sudo check_asterisk_voicemail