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Provides perfdata if requested.
== /etc/sudoers requirements ==
Needs an entry along the line of the following for repquota:
nrpe localservername=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/repquota *
If not unset yet, remember to add the following as well:
Defaults:nrpe !requiretty
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota.
OK - uid 111: 8.62G
OK - uid 112: 138.00G
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
OK - login icinga: 769.00M
OK - login user2: 96.39G
OK - login user3: 112.00K
OK - login user4: 53.79G
OK - login user5: 307.00M
OK - login user6: 1.44G
OK - login user7: 934.00G
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota.
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s -p
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota. | user_111=9258926080;;;0; user_112=148176371712;;;0; user_user1=8898802537322;8398808547328;;0; user_icinga=806354944;;;0; user_user2=103497596928;;;0; user_user3=114688;;;0; user_user4=57751371776;;;0; user_user5=321912832;;;0; user_user6=1549795328;;;0; user_user7=1002874863616;;;0;
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u user1 -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s -p
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours) | user_user1=8898802537322;8398808547328;;0;
The script returns OK / WARNING / CRITICAL errorcode according to what repquota (yes, it's Linux-only) returns (including gracetime, if active, excluding -for now- inode limits). These are obviously based on what you defined for the user/group via edquota:
If quota status is --, it returns OK.
If quota status is -+ or +-, it returns WARNING.
If quota status is ++, it returns CRITICAL.
check_quota v0.29 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
There is no warranty of any kind, explicit or implied, for anything this software does or does not do.
The main page for this plugin can be found at:
(c) 2014,2017 by Frederic Krueger /
Needs an entry along the line of the following for repquota:
nrpe localservername=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/repquota *
If not unset yet, remember to add the following as well:
Defaults:nrpe !requiretty
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota.
OK - uid 111: 8.62G
OK - uid 112: 138.00G
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
OK - login icinga: 769.00M
OK - login user2: 96.39G
OK - login user3: 112.00K
OK - login user4: 53.79G
OK - login user5: 307.00M
OK - login user6: 1.44G
OK - login user7: 934.00G
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota.
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u all -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s -p
WARNING - 1 of 10 users is overquota. | user_111=9258926080;;;0; user_112=148176371712;;;0; user_user1=8898802537322;8398808547328;;0; user_icinga=806354944;;;0; user_user2=103497596928;;;0; user_user3=114688;;;0; user_user4=57751371776;;;0; user_user5=321912832;;;0; user_user6=1549795328;;;0; user_user7=1002874863616;;;0;
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours)
# ./ -u user1 -m /my/quotamnt -Q -s -p
WARNING - login user1: 7.69T / 7.64T (Grace: 6 days 22 hours) | user_user1=8898802537322;8398808547328;;0;
The script returns OK / WARNING / CRITICAL errorcode according to what repquota (yes, it's Linux-only) returns (including gracetime, if active, excluding -for now- inode limits). These are obviously based on what you defined for the user/group via edquota:
If quota status is --, it returns OK.
If quota status is -+ or +-, it returns WARNING.
If quota status is ++, it returns CRITICAL.
check_quota v0.29 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
There is no warranty of any kind, explicit or implied, for anything this software does or does not do.
The main page for this plugin can be found at:
(c) 2014,2017 by Frederic Krueger /
Reviews (1)
plugin works fine.
for me missing the option for warning and critical :(
for me missing the option for warning and critical :(
Owner's reply
Since the plugin is little more than a glorified repquota wrapper (ie. it works only on Linux as of now), it uses the repquota internals and returns the errorcode fitting the condition, that is returned by repquota.
To quote from the script:
$quota_status = "OK" if ($quota_status eq "--");
$quota_status = "WARNING" if ($quota_status eq "-+");
$quota_status = "WARNING" if ($quota_status eq "+-");
$quota_status = "CRITICAL" if ($quota_status eq "++");