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Check Veritas Volume Manager

2 votes
check_vxvmcheck script
Nagios CSP

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This is a nagios check plugin for Veritas Volume Manager. It checks the vxprint output for disk, plex and subdisk problems and the vxdmpadm output for disabled I/O paths.
++++ Overview of checks, return codes and prerequisites
check_vxvm will perform the following checks:
* Check if vxprint can be executed without errors. If vxprint returns with exit_code> 0, status CRITICAL is returned
* Check for any dm records with NODEVICE, FAILING or LOCAL_FAILING flags. If any record of this type is found, status CRITICAL is returned.
* Check for any plex records with status NODEVICE or IOFAIL. If any record of this type is found, status CRITICAL is returned.
* Check for any subdisks with status NDEV, DIS, dS or FAIL. If any record of this type is found, status CRITICAL is returned.
* Check for disks with disabled paths that belong to imported disk groups. If any record of this type is found, status WARNING is returned.

The check script must run with root privileges since the vxdmpadm command requires root permissions. Please note that the check script intentionally does not catch all states that can be considered dangerous or unhealthy, specifically not those that may result from manual intervention (such as stale plexes).

Comments and suggestions for improvement welcome.
Reviews (1)
bynansari, March 5, 2013
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Header for vxdmpadm output from VRTSvxvm-6.0.300.000-RHEL5 version has replaced - to _ , hence below need to be changed.

# diff check_vxvm.news /tmp/check_vxvm.org
next if ($line =~ '^CTLR-NAME\s+' or $line =~ '^=+');

=> Older version output
# vxdmpadm listctlr all

=> Newer version output
# vxdmpadm listctlr all