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check_nginx.shThe script (Version 1.1)
LICENSEThe appropriate license
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sh-compliant script to check the nginx webserver whether its running and to get requests and connections per second

check_nginx.sh is a Nagios plugin to check whether nginx is running.
It also parses the nginx's status page to get requests and
connections per second as well as requests per connection. You
may have to alter your nginx configuration so that the plugin
can access the server's status page.
The plugin is highly configurable for this reason. See below for
available options.

Version 1.1, 2009, Mike Adolphs (http://www.matejunkie.com/)
/h/--help Output

check_nginx.sh -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid
-s nginx_statut -o /tmp [-w INT] [-c INT] [-S] [-N]

Defines the hostname. Default is: localhost
Defines the port. Default is: 80
Path where nginx's pid file is being stored. You might need
to alter this path according to your distribution. Default
is: /var/run
Name of the pid file. Default is: nginx.pid
Turn this on, if you don't want to check for a pid file
whether nginx is running, e.g. when you're checking a
remote server. Default is: off
Name of the server's status page defined in the location
directive of your nginx configuration. Default is:
Specifies where to write the tmp-file that the check creates.
Default is: /tmp
In case your server is only reachable via SSL, use this
this switch to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Default is: off
Sets a warning level for requests per second. Default is: off
Sets a critical level for requests per second. Default is:

Output example

user@host: ~ $ ./check_nginx.sh -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid -s nginx_status -o /tmp -w 15000 -c 20000
OK - nginx is running. 1 requests per second, 1 connections per second (1.00 requests per connection) | 'reqpsec'=1 'conpsec'=1 'conpreq'=1.00 ]
user@host: ~ $ ./check_nginx.sh -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid -s nginx_status -o /tmp -w 15000 -c 20000
OK - nginx is running. 13722 requests per second, 13725 connections per second (1.00 requests per connection) | 'reqpsec'=13722 'conpsec'=13725 'conpreq'=1.00 ]
user@host: ~ $ ./check_nginx.sh -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid -s nginx_status -o /tmp -w 10000 -c 15000
WARNING - nginx is running. 12462 requests per second, 12448 connections per second (1.00 requests per connection) | 'reqpsec'=12462 'conpsec'=12448 'conpreq'=1.00
user@host: ~ $ ./check_nginx.sh -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid -s nginx_status -o /tmp -w 5000 -c 10000
CRITICAL - nginx is running. 14241 requests per second, 14253 connections per second (1.00 requests per connection) | 'reqpsec'=14241 'conpsec'=14253 'conpreq'=1.00

* 2009-06-15
o nginx_status output is now stored in a variable instead of writing a file (better performance) to a temporary directory
o warning must be lower than critical rather than lower or equal than critical