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check_laptop_battery.vbsCheck laptop battery charge remotely using NSClient++ and NRPE
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Check the charge in a laptop battery
Visual Basic script for checking the charge remaining in a laptop battery. Uses WMI.

Written for a Dell laptop, but should work for any Windows-based laptop that returns
a value for the "Win32_Battery -> EstimatedChargeRemaining" WMI object query.

Install as NSClient++ script (excerpt from NSC.ini below):

[External Scripts]
check_battery=cscript.exe //T:30 //NoLogo scriptscheck_laptop_battery.vbs

I call it using NRPE syntax; YMMV:

Command Name: check_nrpe_laptop_battery_status
Command Line: $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_battery

Hard-coded to go to warning at 99% charge remaining, critical at 80%