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File | Description |
check_qpage | check_qpage v0.3 |
check_qpage-0.2 | check_qpage v0.2 |
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check_qpage -config file -queue dir -snpp string -w integer -c integer -bwarn integer -bcrit integer -debug
-config STRING [default: /etc/]
-queue STRING
-snpp STRING [default: yes]
-stale INTEGER [default: 600 seconds]
-w INTEGER [default: 1]
-c INTEGER [default: 3]
-bwarn INTEGER [default: 1]
-bwarn INTEGER [default: 3]
Example Output:
QPAGE QUEUE OK: 0 pending, 0 failed
Requires Net::SNPP perl module
Checks service via SNPP and checks queue contents
If qpage is running on remote host, plugin may require check_by_ssh, nrpe, or nsca.
Use the --debug option to understand what effects the options have.
Change Log
v0.3: Fixed bug with detecting stalled queue
v0.2: Make SNPP check optional
check_qpage -config file -queue dir -snpp string -w integer -c integer -bwarn integer -bcrit integer -debug
-config STRING [default: /etc/]
-queue STRING
-snpp STRING [default: yes]
-stale INTEGER [default: 600 seconds]
-w INTEGER [default: 1]
-c INTEGER [default: 3]
-bwarn INTEGER [default: 1]
-bwarn INTEGER [default: 3]
Example Output:
QPAGE QUEUE OK: 0 pending, 0 failed
Requires Net::SNPP perl module
Checks service via SNPP and checks queue contents
If qpage is running on remote host, plugin may require check_by_ssh, nrpe, or nsca.
Use the --debug option to understand what effects the options have.
Change Log
v0.3: Fixed bug with detecting stalled queue
v0.2: Make SNPP check optional
Reviews (1), January 4, 2012
No problem with module after installing required Perl Module.