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check_mcpuPerl Script
Nagios CSP

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This plugin checks the amount of used or idle CPU (default is idle) for each processor on multiprocessor or single processor Linux systems.
This plugin checks the amount of used or idle cpu (default is idle) for multiple cpus. All arguments are optionals.

Usage: check_mcpu --warning --critical --reports --interval

check_mcpu -u | --used [-w | --warning] [-c | --critical] [-r | --reports] [-i | --interval]
check_mcpu -h | --help

-c | --critical
Exit with CRITICAL status if idle CPU is less than the critical percentage value.
In used mode exits with CRITICAL status if the amount of used CPU is more tan the critical percentage value.
Default value: 10
Deafault value in used mode: 90

-w | --warning
Exit with WARNING status if idle CPU is less than the warning percentage value.
In used mode exits with WARNING status if the amount of used CPU is more tan the critical percentage value.
Default value: 20
Default value in used mode: 80

-i | --interval
Amount of time in seconds between each report of mpstat.
Default value: 1

-r | --reports
Number of reports generated at interval seconds apart for mpstat.
Default value: 1

-u | --used
Check the amount of used CPU instead of the idle CPU.

-h | --help
Show this help.

This plugin depends on the sysstat package:

1.10 Fixed bug when sysstats is installed with nls support (20.09.2007)
1.9 Added -u option and some cosmetics changes in the output (17.07.2007)
1.2 Initial Public Release (05.07.2007)