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check mountpoints like nfs, cifs, davfs, lustre, ocf2, ...

Check if all specified nfs/cifs/davfs mounts exist and if they are correct implemented. That means we check /etc/fstab, the mountpoints in the filesystem and if they are mounted. It is written for Linux and Solaris, uses proc-Filesystem and was tested on ...
Check relayd status

This script checks the OpenBSD relayd. It returns a warning if not all hosts in a table are up and a critical if a table and/or redirect is totally down.
Check user implementation

Check if a specified user exists and that he has the correct userId, groupId, groupname and supplementary groups.

Check if size of the specified files is smaller then given parameters. Return OK if its smaller and Warning or Error if Bytesize is greater as given parameters. The script is written for Linux/Unix. Its tested on RH/CentOS, SuSE, Debian, but should wo ...
check grep command output

This plugin executes a given command and greps for spedified patterns in the output. It uses perl regex for matching.