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check_supervisord_programs extends nagios monitoring by interacting with the supervisord socket. It is written in BASH, meaning its agnostic across linux variants.

Usage ./check_supervisord_program

-c Alternate config file

-p Program name

-h This menu

-d Enable debugging


./check_supervisord_program -p apache2


OK: apache2 is running

Critical: apache2 is stopped

Setup is simple:

1. Copy the check to the server you want to monitor

2. Choose how you wish to interact with the plugin (NRPE or Over SSH)

3. Define your nagios service

4. Set the permissions on the supervisord.conf to allow the user (nagios by default) to access the socket file

Supervisord Config (Default /etc/supervisord.conf)


file=/var/tmp/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)

chmod = 0766 ; Set the permissions
check_supervisord extends nagios monitoring by interacting with the supervisord socket. It is written in BASH, meaning its agnostic across linux variants.

Usage ./check_supervisord_program
-c Alternate config file
-p Program name
-h This menu
-d Enable debugging

./check_supervisord_program -p apache2

OK: apache2 is running
Critical: apache2 is stopped

Setup is simple:

1. Copy the check to the server you want to monitor
2. Choose how you wish to interact with the plugin (NRPE or Over SSH)
3. Define your nagios service
4. Set the permissions on the supervisord.conf to allow the user (nagios by default) to access the socket file

Supervisord Config (Default /etc/supervisord.conf)
file=/var/tmp/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)
chmod = 0766 ; Set the permissions