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Nagios CSP

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Basic monitor that checks if the NTP server is up and running.
Basic monitor that checks if the server is up and running. It checks for a process and whether the server has drifted from its higher level Stratum server.

This script was quickly hacked together for my current customer, as a Q&D solution for their monitoring needs. It's no beauty, but it works. Written in ksh and tested with:
* Solaris 8
* NRPE 1.9
* xntpd

Should work with other versions as well.

The script sends a Critical if:
A) One or more processes are not running, or
B) The server's clock has drifted too far from its higher level Stratum server.

Requires the "check_ntp" plugin which is part of the default monitor package.

UPDATE 19/06/2006:
Cleaned up the script a bit and added some checks that are considered the Right Thing to do. Should have done this -way- earlier!