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check_pop3_limit2.plLatest check_pop3_limit script with mailbox empty fix
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A Perl script check plugin that pops a POP3 account and checks for the number of emails in the account. You would set a warning and critical threshhold as to the number of emails can be in the POP account before alerting you once it reaches or exceeds th
Useful for anyone wanting to check how many emails are in a specific email POP account.

The check itself uses the username/password and mail host on the command line to access the POP account, but unless you are using SSL/TLS (which currently this check does not support) you are transmitting this information over the internet un-encrypted anyhow.

If anyone is logged into the account and popping it from another client the check will throw an unknown warning stating that it cannot connect to the account. My use for this was to check an application pop account to make sure messages were flowing like they should be and that the helpdesk application we use is indeed popping and grabbing the mail. Also useful to make sure an account isn't recieving a mail bomb.

TODO: Create TLS/SSL check and add IMAP abilities.

If you need any help with this plugin or have general questions or want to contribute to a more advanced check please email:

-Don Lewis