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Current Version
r182 build
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
Nagios CSP

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This project is a Nagios plugin which aims to provide JMX monitoring capabilities for WebSphere servers (6.1, 7.0 & 8.0), with the smallest possible memory footprint.

Nagios monitoring is achieved with simple HTTP requests, through the use of an embedded Jetty container. The plugin acts as a reverse proxy and thus can be used to monitor as many WebSphere instances as you need.
Current features are:

* JVM heap monitoring
* Server thread pools monitoring, including hung thread detection
* JTA transactions monitoring
* JDBC datasources monitoring
* JMS connection factories monitoring
* JMS 1.0 listeners status monitoring
* SIB queues depth monitoring
* HTTP sessions monitoring
* Clustering support
* Administrative security support
Reviews (2)
bybranko.sretenovic, September 22, 2014
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Works on WAS 8.5 after using IBM jdk 6.
By default, ssl for soap must be used.
Keys (*.p12) are located in WAS install directory (you can search them and copy in plugin direcory).
Password for keys are: WebAS
If something goes wrong remove redirection ( to dev-null to see errors.
When config is changed kill daemon ( and start again. Documentation should be better.
byKathirvel, July 7, 2012
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I appreciate your work for this plug-in...