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check_tomcat (bash)
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Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
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The 'check_tomcat' script is designed to monitor Apache Tomcat through JMX Proxy Servlet in combination with 'check_by_ssh' plugin. The first step is to ensure that the central Nagios server is able to connect to the remote host via SSH in a manner that does not require a password. The second step is to ensure that the user executing 'check_tomcat' plugin has read permissions on "${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/tomcat-users.xml" file. Finally, to access JMX proxy interface requires at least one user with the role manager-jmx and whose password is not encrypted.
The 'check_tomcat' script has four different check types and each monitors the following metrics:
· apps: activeSessions
· memory: HeapMemoryUsage, NonHeapMemoryUsage
· pools: numActive
· threads: currentThreadsBusy
Check types 'memory' and 'threads' return performance data in their output (others return null).
This plugin has been tested with Apache Tomcat 6.x and 7.x (forward compatibility not guaranteed).
More information in README:
Joaquín José García Cañas (
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