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2 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
Nagios_EMC.zipWinZip file containing documentation and scripts; password is nagios (lower case). If you receive a corrupted Zip file in IE, see
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Nagios Monitoring of EMC Equipment. Provides techniques and solutions to use nsca add-on to monitor EMC equipment including CLARiiON SAN, Celerra NAS, and RecoverPoint appliance. See documentation for further details. Password for WinZip file is nagios (lower case).
Nagios Monitoring of EMC Equipment. This project provides techniques and solutions to use the nsca add-on to monitor an EMC storage system. The specific case includes CLARiiON CX-340 and CX4-240C SANs, Celerra NS40 NAS gateway, and RecoverPoint v3.2 appliances. With minor adjustments, the techniques should work with other EMC equipment combinations. Each equipment type is independent of the others.

Technical design is based on command line interfaces provided with each EMC equipment type; editable control files to specify hosts and services for monitoring; and Perl scripts that may be modified for local conditions. As of the publication date, these scripts are in production in one environment; some modification may be required for other environments.

Please read the documentation before attempting to install or operate the scripts. Use of these materials assumes a working knowledge of Linux and Perl, as well as the EMC equipment. Documentation and scripts are supplied in a WinZip file with password nagios (lower case).

If you have problems after carefully following the installation procedures, contact me by email and I will try to assist.
Reviews (1)
bysampinar, November 17, 2011
Thank you for a great plugin. instrcutions are well put together.
Can confirm plugin works for Clariion CX4-120