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File | Description |
check_snmp_sunfm | check_snmp_sunfm |
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Particularly useful for indicating ZFS filesystem problems. Reports all errors that 'fmadm' command line tool reports, but via snmp.
usage: check_snmp_sunfm -H hostname -C community
Reports number of errors, and event IDs if any exist.
# credit to Nico for script check_snmp_fmdpl.gz
# Changes by Scott:
# -use Nagios::Plugin instead of deprecated
# -add community string as option
# -use ResourceCount oid to signal there are errors,
# add various failure to get data checks. This
# avoids false "OK" reports on errors
Be aware, if you have not run fault manager old errors that have been cleared may be reported.
On host to monitor configure and enable sma:
1) configure sma (for snmp)
/etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf -change public to your community string
ASSUMING amd64 (change if not!) - add this to end of file:
dlmod sunFM /usr/lib/fm/amd64/
2) svcadm enable sma
Reports number of errors, and event IDs if any exist.
# credit to Nico
# Changes by Scott:
# -use Nagios::Plugin instead of deprecated
# -add community string as option
# -use ResourceCount oid to signal there are errors,
# add various failure to get data checks. This
# avoids false "OK" reports on errors
Be aware, if you have not run fault manager old errors that have been cleared may be reported.
On host to monitor configure and enable sma:
1) configure sma (for snmp)
/etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf -change public to your community string
ASSUMING amd64 (change if not!) - add this to end of file:
dlmod sunFM /usr/lib/fm/amd64/
2) svcadm enable sma
Reviews (1)
byrmeden, September 6, 2012
Seems to report fmadm problems, but more details of the problem would be nice.
For Sparc Solaris 10 add the following to snmpd.conf
dlmod sunFM /usr/lib/fm/sparcv9/
For Sparc Solaris 10 add the following to snmpd.conf
dlmod sunFM /usr/lib/fm/sparcv9/