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Compatible With
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
check_dellwarranty.rbcheck_dellwarranty.rb script
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Optionally grab ServiceTag from OpenManage via SNMP, and then poll Dell SOAP service for service contract expiration dates.
Poll Dell SOAP service for service contract expiration dates.


check_dellwarranty.rb [options]
-H, --hostname HOSTNAME Hostname to get warranty status for. Uses SNMP
-s, --servicetag ServiceTag ID to check
-C, --community SNMP Community to use when polling for service tag
--snmpver SNMP Version to use when polling for service tag
-w, --warning WARNDAYS Warning threshold for number of days
remaining on contract (Default: 90)
-c, --critical CRITDAYS Critical threshold for number of days
remaining on contract (Default: 30)
-D, --distant Consider only the contract expiring in the
most distant future
-l, --link Include an HTML link to Dell's warranty page for
this server
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-d, --debugging Enable debugging output
-h, --help Display this screen

You must supply either a hostname or a service tag. If a hostname is supplied, this script will poll OpenManage on the server via SNMP to retrieve the service tag.


Change the hashbang line to point to your Ruby installation
Only tested on REE 1.8.7
You must install the 'snmp' Gem (or have the snmp Ruby library available by some other means)


0.5 (2012-09-30)
Feature: Add -D (most distant future) option, to only consider the contract expiring in the most distant future
Feature: Add -l (html link) option, to also include an HTML link to the Dell site with the warranty details
Fix: Now supports snmp libs without needing rubygems

0.4 (2012-08-29)
Feature: Add -v (verbose) option and make -d (debug) work better
Fix: Fix -w and -c params

0.3 (2012-08-29)
Bugfix: Issue #1 - Deal with instances where Dell doesn't pass back ServiceLevel codes and descriptions

0.2 (2012-08-28)
Feature: First publicly released version (That's a feature, right?!)