Poll Dell SOAP service for service contract expiration dates.
check_dellwarranty.rb [options]
-H, --hostname HOSTNAME Hostname to get warranty status for. Uses SNMP
-s, --servicetag ServiceTag ID to check
-C, --community <community> SNMP Community to use when polling for service tag
--snmpver <snmpver> SNMP Version to use when polling for service tag
-w, --warning WARNDAYS Warning threshold for number of days
remaining on contract (Default: 90)
-c, --critical CRITDAYS Critical threshold for number of days
remaining on contract (Default: 30)
-D, --distant Consider only the contract expiring in the
most distant future
-l, --link Include an HTML link to Dell's warranty page for
this server
-t, --timeout <seconds> Seconds to wait before timing out, while connecting to
Dell's API
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-d, --debugging Enable debugging output
-h, --help Display this screen
You must supply either a hostname or a service tag. If a hostname is supplied, this script will poll OpenManage on the server via SNMP to retrieve the service tag.
- Change the hashbang line to point to your Ruby installation
- Only tested on REE 1.8.7 (Feel free to let me know if this works in other envrionments)
- You must install the 'snmp' Gem (or have the snmp Ruby library available by some other means)
- Fix: Refactor to use new API instead of SOAP webservice (which Dell seemed to have broken)
- Feature: Add -t (timeout) option, so user can specify number of seconds to try connecting to Dell's webservices
- Bugfix: Issue #2 - Timeout gracefully when Dell's webservices are unreachable. Now returns Unknown status instead of hanging
- Fix: Fixed an edge case where Dell was returning empty entitlement blocks, and we weren't handling it nicely
- Feature: Add -D (most distant future) option, to only consider the contract expiring in the most distant future
- Feature: Add -l (html link) option, to also include an HTML link to the Dell site with the warranty details
- Fix: Now supports snmp libs without needing rubygems
- Feature: Add -v (verbose) option and make -d (debug) work better
- Fix: Fix -w and -c params
- Bugfix: Issue #1 - Deal with instances where Dell doesn't pass back ServiceLevel codes and descriptions
- Feature: First publicly released version (That's a feature, right?!)