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check_sql is database agnostic and the support depends only on what DBI can support.
check_sql is a nagios plugin to check SQL queries using perl DBI.
check_sql is database agnostic and the support depends only on what DBI can support.
I've personally tested check_sql with the following:
* PostgreSQL
* SQL Server
It should support also:
* Oracle databases
* SQLite
* Many other databases I've never used :)
check_sql is based on work done by Nagios Plugin Development Team and Thomas Guyot-Sionnest, I've decided to inherit it and add generic DBI support. I promise to do my best to maintain it...
Much more on the github page, includes also a full README. Please open me issues on github if you find any.
check_sql is database agnostic and the support depends only on what DBI can support.
I've personally tested check_sql with the following:
* PostgreSQL
* SQL Server
It should support also:
* Oracle databases
* SQLite
* Many other databases I've never used :)
check_sql is based on work done by Nagios Plugin Development Team and Thomas Guyot-Sionnest, I've decided to inherit it and add generic DBI support. I promise to do my best to maintain it...
Much more on the github page, includes also a full README. Please open me issues on github if you find any.
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