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2 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 4.x
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This is a Nagios plugin designed to query and give status of Azure Tenant Services (aka Office365 applications). It can be used to report on whether a given service is available to end users, and give a quick report on why it may not be- similar to the health summary available in the Azure tenant administration portal.

It requires that an Enterprise Application be registered and be given Office365 Service Health permissions. Parameters require your Tenant GUID as well as the Application ID for the check.

It will run in linux powershell, and very likely windows powershell from NCPA/NSClient++ (not tested).
Reviews (2)
byalcos, February 1, 2022
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I was using the plugin for more than a year. Amazing but one month ago, it stopped working. I checked my credentials in Azure AD and it was ok. I also created a new secret but same error: "SERVICE UNKNOWN: Unable to retrieve status. Check application permissions. Attempt aborted. " Is it working for someone else?
byplanet4, February 2, 2020
This is exactly what I have been looking for. However I do not really understand where to put the credentials. If I run the script manually I am asked about the credentials but I will use it with Check MK and will need to put the settings in the script itself.
Owner's reply

To do this would require some rip and replace of the parameter section in the beginning of the code. Not a big task- the various variables can be hardset, but that's not generally a good practice and harder to maintain.