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  • Nagios XI
nagios-3.4.1-cgiutils.c.diffdiff file to patch cgi/cgiutils.c
nagios-3.4.1-status.c.diffdiff file to patch cgi/status.c
docs_url_example.jpgFinally you can have something like this.
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The patch is adding new feature in core nagios. It allos to integrate nagios with documentation -HowTo systems like Wiki, mediawiki,Confluence .. etc.

It is connecting each check to corresponding page on WIKI where you can describe in detail what to do if there is alarm.

I would be happy if Nagios-Team will decide to include it in core distribution.
The patch is adding new feature in core nagios. It allos to integrate nagios with documentation -HowTo systems like Wiki, mediawiki,Confluence .. etc.

It is connecting each check to corresponding page on WIKI where you can describe in detail what to do if there is alarm.

Here is the quick installation guide.

Download latest core version of nagios for example 3.4.1 version.


root@adminx:/usr/local/src# tar -zxvf nagios-3.4.1.tar.gz
root@adminx:/usr/local/src# cd nagios-3.4.1

Copy the attached 2 files this project to the nagios folder

just verify it
root@adminx:/usr/local/src/nagios-3.4.1# ls -la *.diff
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 964 Sep 5 17:20 nagios-3.4.1-cgiutils.c.diff
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2607 Sep 5 17:22 nagios-3.4.1-status.c.diff

now patch the source codes

root@adminx:/usr/local/src/nagios-3.4.1# patch cgi/status.c < nagios-3.4.1-status.c.diff
root@adminx:/usr/local/src/nagios-3.4.1# cgi/cgiutils.c < nagios-3.4.1-cgiutils.c.diff

Now go a head and compile your nagios as usual.

when nagiso is ready to run add teh following configuration lines into [YOUR_NAGIOS_PATH]/etc/cgi.cfg

# This option is allow to make interconection betwin Nagios and your
# documentation system like wiki,confluence .. etc.
# Example:
# docs_url=http://wiki.ghevondyan.net/mediawiki/index.php/Monitroing_HowTo:
# docs_title=HowTo
# docs_icon=/images/info.png
docs_url=http://[your wiki page URL]

Restart The nagios and enjoy :-)
root@adminx:/usr/local/src/nagios-3.4.1# /etc/init.d/nagios restart
Running configuration check...done.
Stopping nagios: .done.
Starting nagios: done.

Now everything is ready you can go to the nagios web interface and will see the icons linked with the documents on "Service Status Details For All Host Groups" page.

Hope you will like the feature - I implement it in my previews companies Lycos Europe and Orange Armenia. This is really helpful and making very fast and efficient of 1-rs level support work.

If it is needed I can help to have the feature on old version of nagios also.

Thank you
Arsen Ghevondyan
Reviews (3)
bywhutest, September 4, 2013
Thank you! Here are no problems with installation. Works fine. Is it difficult to modify patch to show wiki-icon only for certain services? For example, if the service uses template "wiki-template".
bycvanaxel, September 10, 2012
Any screenshots?
bynoc, September 9, 2012
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
If i dont want to reinstall nagios again then how can i apply this patch ?
Owner's reply

Hi, In fact you need to recompile the source code for now. The changes was only in 2 files status.cgi and cgiutils.cgi

So you can recompile and overwrite thoese 2 files.

I'm trying to get Nagios team to put this in core and later you will not need to recompile :-) Hope so!..