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F5 BIG-IP Nagios plugins

Nagios plugins for checking F5 balancers system BIG-IP MIB objects from: Chassis, Failover, Pools, PoolMembers, Virtual Servers and Virtual Addresses.

This plugin checks the LSB of f_flag from struct statvfs to discover Read_Only Mounted Filesystems.

Checks file system mounts reading the LSB of f_flag from the kernel struct statvfs.

This plugin checks used space for oracle ASM disk groups against a threshold percentage provided in command line. User executing this perl script must have sysdba login privilege. Also in command line is necessary ASM ORACLE_HOME & SID

This plugin checks some tablespaces of a specific Oracle database.

Minimalistic email loop delay check perl script. It sends a probe message, forks, then parent returns to Nagios, child sleeps for threshold(s) and awakes/receive/deletes probe message and notifies Nagios submitting as passive check result. No smtp authent ...