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The script checks the status of a given GEOM class (implementing software RAID on FreeBSD) - currently only gstripe, gmirror and graid3 are supported. The script parses output of gmirror, graid3 or gstripe command.

The script queries Bacula database for number of successful or still running backups of a given job. It's also possible to query number of errors of the job's instances and check errors of BeforeJob and AfterJob scripts.

The script checks whether a rule exists within PF rules. It parses output of pfctl.

Script searches unusual messages about a disk from dmesg.

The script checks whether a specific process is running. It just parses output of ps. If the process is not running, the script runs a command to start the process.

The script returns the length of Postfix queue by parsing output of postqueue.

Plugin to check 3ware controller with tw_cli. The script just passes tw_cli correct commands and parses its output.

A plugin to check status of disks or RAID itself of Adaptec RAID controller. The script uses 'arcconf' utility and is scripted in Ruby.