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Application patch checker

Works only with Debian at present. Pass a space separated parameter of application names and the script will check to see if the applications need to be patched/upgraded. More details in the actual script


Intersystems Cache License Usage

This plugin allows Nagios to check the license usage of an Intersystems Cache environment and return the percentage license usage.


Intersystems Cache Namespace free space

Plugin that checks the percentage amount of free space allocated to a given namespace database


Intersystems Cache Job Check

Checks that a given Intersystems Cache process is running


News Checker

This plugin allows a web page address to be taken and then checked for given text. A Linux news page can therefore be checked for any virus or hacking news. Details of usage are in the script itself.


Unitrends API Backup failure checker

Uses the Unitrends API to receive and parse a JSON string concerning backup failures. Simply pass the name of the Protected asset as the first parameter and the IP address of the Unitrends server as the second e.g. ./utrendbak testserv "" ...

Intersystem IRIS Database import

This Linux command line utility allows the nagios log files (archive as well as current) to be parsed and then stored in an Intersystems IRIS database global
