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Check CPU Usage (by Nestor@Toront)

To check CPU Usage and return in %, support Perf Data
Check CPU Idle (by Nestor@Toront)

To check CPU Idle and return in %, support Perf Data
Check mem (by Nestor@Toronto)

** Please note that this script was originally written by Lukasz Gogolin ( I only i proved and bug fix to make sure it run smoothly. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X
Check IO Wait (by Nestor@Toronto)

Check IO Wait for Linux. Return IO wait in percentage Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: iostat
Check PPTP User (by Nestor@Toronto)

Check how many PPTP/PPP user are logged into VPN right now and list all user. It sent an alert when more than number of user from input. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X
Check Speedtest (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using '', written by Matt Martz, to check server max bandwidth using speedtest method. It return alert if server bandwidth is slower than given speed. Note: While managing few hundreds VM/VPS from different VPS vendors, I found that someti ...
Check Bandwidth for PPTP/PPP VPN (by Nestor@Toronto)

This script will check how many PPTP user is currently logged and check each users' speed, it will send out alert if any user is over usage from input value. Check IO Wait for Linux. Return IO wait in percentage Script were written in BASH, tested o ...
Check Bandwidth, with iftop, for single interface (by N...

Using iftop to check current bandwidth for ONLY one NIC. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: iftop
Check Bandwidth, with iftop (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using iftop to check current bandwidth. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: iftop
Check Bandwidth, with vnstat (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using vnstat to check current bandwidth. vnstat will provide slightly faster checking but it can only do per NIC/interface, instead of over all bandwidth. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: vnstat