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check_arcconf is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of Adaptec Raid Controllers (can also be used for ICP or PMC Vortex Controller). The plugin determines the status of Raidsets, RAID-Controllers and of individual discs (S.M.A.R.T), whil ...

check_avira_smc is a Windows-Plugin for Nagios, which checks the state of a AVIRA Management Controller (called SMC or AMC). The plugin detects various states from the Avira database.

check_intelraid is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of Intel Raid controllers. The plugin determines the status of Raids, RAID-Controllers and of individual discs (S.M.A.R.T), while all stripe types are supported.

check_3ware is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of 3ware RAID controllers (or LSI Raid controllers). The plugin determines the status of Raidsets, Raid-Controllers and of individual discs (S.M.A.R.T), while all stripe sets are supported ...

check_filesystem_e is a Windows plugin for Nagios, which checks the integrity of any files by their file size (checksum in bytes) A comma- separated list of Excludes is possible, supports also Regex for file names.

check_lastupdate is a Windows plugin for Nagios which implement a date comparison on the registry key.

check_w32tm is a Windows plugin for Nagios, which checks the Windows system time against an NTP time source. is a linux plugin for Nagios which checks the status of Adaptec Raid Controllers (can also be used for ICP- or PMC-Vortex Controller). The plugin determines the status of Raidsets, RAID controllers and of individual disks (S.M.A.R.T), wh ...

check_sophos_sec is a Windows-Plugin for Nagios, which checks the state of a SOPHOS Enterprise Console (called SEC). The plugin detect various statuses from the Sophos database.

check_intel_rst is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of Intel’s Rapid Storage Technology (RST) RAIDs. The plugin determines the status of Raids, Raid-Controllers and of individual discs (S.M.A.R.T), while all stripe sets are supported ...

check_megaraid_windows is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of LSI/MegaRaid Raid Controller. The plugin determines the status of Raidsets, RAID controllers and of individual discs (S.M.A.R.T), while all stripe types are supported.

check_output is a Windows-Plugin for Nagios, which evaluates return values ??of invoked programs. Supports regular expressions (Regex).

check_windows_dns is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the condition of DNS supported by Active Directory systems. The plugin detects the condition of DNS and shows errors, if there are disturbances.

check_windows_repadmin is a Windows plugin for Nagios which checks the status of the replications in Microsoft Active Directory. The plugin detects the status of all the replication partners and consists of two parts: the check itself and a task, which ha ...