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check_listening_ports (edouard.lamoine)

A plugin that check for all listening ports/services behind, and verify if these ports or services have been approved by the user.
Adds Port monitoring security to Nagios, showing if some ports were opened, maybe in a malicious way.
Done for MEVIA g ...

Simple to install application with gets information from Nagios config files and status files and displays the network topology using Google Maps API - standalone software, does not directly integrate with Nagios source - and that is a good thing when upg ...
Vmware ESX & VM host

Excellent plugin developed by OP5. Work with ESX4, vSephere. Entire DC can be monitored by quering through vCenter... sage: -D | -H [ -N ] -u -p | -f -l [ -s ] [ -x ] [ -t ] [ -w ] [ -c ] [ -V ] [ - ...
NagiosTV for Nagios 3 with ndoutils

If you are running Nagios v4.x.x then check out the project NagiosTV 4
This project is for Nagios 3.x and requires ndoutils writin ...