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check_csl - Calculates SLAs

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check_csl is Nagios plug-in which calculates service availability level (SLA) depending on multiple various category checks' states. According to defined conditions, the check interprets results and returns service level - "OK", "Warning" or "Critical".
check_csl is Nagios plug-in written in Perl, which calculates service availability level (SLA) depending on multiple various category checks' states.

The plugin runs checks, defined in a configuration file. Because all Nagios plug-ins have limited runtime, each check is run in a separate thread. When all checks' results are collected, the plugin uses a special calculation formula, also defined in a plugin's configuration file, to interpret checks' results and returns a service level - "OK", "Warning" or "Critical".

Available in two versions: 0.7beta and 0.8beta. 0.8beta plugin with a returned service level "OK", "Warning" or "Critical" can display a web link for instructions page, etc.

Tested with Nagios v1.2